I'll get to that in a bit...but for now let's start at the beginning...
Something you may not know about me is that I danced for about 10 years growing up (insert jazz hands here). I then went on to college where I took the occasional dance class as well as learned some basic ballroom dances as well. Actually...my ballroom classes were part of the Honor's curriculum, and were weighted heavier than some classes in my actual field! Go figure! So that was basically a no brainer...of course I had to take that class. I loved every minute of it.
Naturally, my dance history has has led me to Zumba, as it has so many other women (and men!) with dancing in their blood. I am a member of the local YMCA and fell in love with Zumba here, 100% because of my instructor, Lisa. She is the sweetest women, full of spunk and energy, with hips that just don't stop shaking. (Seriously though...I still haven't figured out how she does it!) I began taking her class, and instantly formed a "crew" with Lisa and a few other members of the class. Thank goodness for them...they came along after I had just moved to the area and had only one other local friend (aside from my husband of course). They're my sanity!
Now, getting back to this crazy event that happened...
Through Zumba and the connections of my instructor, Lisa, I had the opportunity to dance center court, at the 76ers/Warriors game this past Saturday! Um, what?! Talk about an opportunity I never expected (but always secretly dreamed) would happen! Since the Warriors are on such a hot streak this season, it was a completely SOLD OUT game. And I danced for the pre-game show. ME. I still can't believe it.
You know that bucket list that has some crazy theoretical items on it that would be cool if it happened, but you're not going out of your way to make them happen? Yep...back-up dancer for a huge live event...CHECK!
Action Shots from my Father-in-Law! I can't believe how clear these got from our group section up at the top of the stadium!
The Hamilton YMCA Zumba Crew! With the fabulous choreographer, Marzena, included in the image on the left.
It was such a crazy experience, for me, my crew, and the rest of the 30 dancers involved. I can't thank Lisa enough for the time and energy she spent practicing with us... all the heart eye emojis to you, my dear!
There's something about this entrepreneurial journey that just seems to surprise me with every turn. I never really "planned" to quit my job and go out onto my own, even though my dream always was to work from home so I can have the opportunity to be home and raise my (future) kids. I definitely never "planned" to dance center court at an NBA game, even though it was on that theoretical bucket list of cool things to happen in my lifetime.
I can't help but wonder if I am in fact working towards these things without even knowing it...or if God just has a funny way of planting my dreams, and conveniently steering me in the direction of achieving these dreams...
Now it's your turn to weigh in...
What "just happened" to fall into your lap that you can cross off that bucket list?
Do you have a theoretical "cool things" list, and a real bucket list? It can't be just me...right?
What is your dream and how are you working towards it?
All the best in love and life...
Chelsea B.